Sunday, June 03, 2007

from russian with light leaks

so, i finally got around to develop the first roll that i passed through the fed. the result? decent sharpness, but some odd light leaks in the middle of the frames;


likely guess is that the cloth-shutter is a bit on the bad side. i'll try to cock the shutter right before taking the picture, and not right after as i usually do. some suggest to paint the cloth with some black paint. but i need to pinpoint the exact leakage before i do that.

anyhow, i brougth it to a concert with nasir jones last night. ran a t-max 400, exposed it at f2.8, 1/125, and pushed to 1200. decent result, but the focus was way off. rangefiners are hard to control in low light situations. some turned out ok:




Eugene said...

FED 2 isn't the lightest to use in low light indeed. Remember though that it's a 60 year old camera that was considered 'budget' in it's heyday. There's nothing inherently hard about using a RF with large, bright viewfinder (something the FED lacks) in low light.

But, your concert shots rock anyway :)

Johan Rydberg said...

Thanks Eugene. As said, it was kinda troublesome to get right focus. Next time I will probably use a faster film too, so I can use a smaller aperature.